Múinteoir Molly Agus A Rang Ceoil
Tá an Príomhoide ar bís.
Tá an Cigire Scoile ag teacht le héisteacht le rang ceoil.
Agus caithfidh Múinteoir Molly an ceacht a ullmhú!
The Headmaster is angry. The Inspector is coming to hear the school band. And Molly still has to prepare the lesson!

Údar / Author: | Heather Henning |
Maisitheoir / Illustrator: | Paula Martyr |
ISBN: | 1 8999 22 34 2 |
Foil. / Publ.: | 2005 |
Praghas / Price: | €7.50 |
27 lch. / pp: | Lándaite / Full Colour |