Téarmaí agus Coinníollacha

Terms & Conditions

1. Ag Ióc le Cárta Creidmheasa / Paying by Credit Card

Is díoltóir údaraithe é 2Checkout.com d'earraí Chló Mhaigh Eo.

Iarrfar ort agus tú ag SEICEÁIL AMACH do chuid sonraí íocaíochta agus seolta a thabhairt agus d'ordú a dhearbhú. Cuirtear na sonraí ansin chuig Cló Mhaigh Eo agus seoltar ríomhphost chugat á dhearbhú. Tá an gnó iomlán cosanta faoi choinníollacha an Safe Shopping Guarantee (see below). Níl teacht ag Cló Mhaigh Eo ag am ar bith ar do chuid sonraí creidmheasa ach tig linn an gnó a dhearbhú nó a chur ar ceal más gá.

2Checkout.com, Inc. is an authorized retailer of goods provided by Cló Mhaigh Eo.

At the CHECKOUT you will be required to give your billing and shipping details and confirm your order. Your shipping details and order are sent to Cló Mhaigh Eo for processing and you will receive an email confirming your order. The purchase is protected by the Safe Shopping Guarantee (see below).

Cló Mhaigh Eo does not have access to your credit card details at any time but can confirm or cancel your banking transaction as well as refund your credit card if required.

2. Damáiste nó locht ar earraí / Damaged or Defective Items

Má tharlaíonn go bhfuil damáiste nó locht fisiciúil ar do leabhar, ní gá ach é a chur ar ais chugainn mar a bhí, agus cuirfear ceann eile chugat láithreach gan aon chostas breise poist. Má tharlaíonn nach bhfuil ar ár gcumas a dhéanamh amhlaidh, déanfar aísíoc iomlán le do chárta chreidmheasa don earra féin agus don phostas.

Should you receive a damaged or defective book all you have to do is return it to us in its original condition. Once we receive the damaged item we will send you a replacement immediately. You will not be charged any additional postage and packaging fees for replacement shipments. If for some reason we cannot send you a replacement, a full refund will be issued to your credit card for the price you paid for the item plus post and packaging.

3. Orduithe, Praghasanna agus Infhaighteacht / Ordering, Prices and Availibility

Cé go ndéantar gach iarracht cruinneas na bpraghasanna agus infhaighteacht na dteideal ar an Suíomh seo a chinntiú, d'fhéadfadh sé go mbeadh athrú ann maidir le praghas agus/nó le hinfhaighteacht gan réamhfhógra. Ní ghlacfaidh Cló Mhaigh Eo freagracht as aon mhoill seachadta a tharlaíonn mar gheall ar mhoill poist nó de bharr force majeure. Is ionann ordú uait agus dearbhú go bhfuil gach sonra a sholáthraíonn tú fíor agus cruinn. Ar an gcuistaiméir a thiteann sé sinn a chur ar an eolas gan mhoill, faoi aon athrú sna sonraí seo.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy of prices and availability of the titles featured on this Site, price and availability information may change without notice. Dispatch times may vary according to availability. Cló Mhaigh Eo cannot accept responsiblity for any delay in delivery occurring due to postal delays or force majeure. By ordering you undertake that all details provided are true and accurate. It is the customer's responsibility to inform us of any changes to these details as soon as possible.

4. Earraí a chur ar ais / Returning Items

Is ceadmhach earraí a chur ar ais taobh istigh de seacht (7) lá.

Goods may be returned within seven (7) days.

5. Postas agus Pacáistiú / Post & Packing

Clúdaíonn na praghasanna postas agus pacáistiú d'áit ar bith sa domhan. Seolfar earraí tríd an bpost agus sroisfidh siad thú taobh istigh de 2 lá nó coicís ag brath ar d'áit chónaí.

The prices include post and packing to anywhere in the world. All Items will be despatched via post and delivery times can vary from 3 days to 2 weeks depending on your locaiton.

6. Eolas Teagmhála / Contact Information

Má tá ceist ar bith agat faoi d'ordú nó faoi dheacracht ar bith in úsáid an tsúimh seo, téir i dteagmháil le do thoil le: colman@leabhar.com. Is trí shearbhóir slán de chuid 2Checkout.com a dhéantar íocaíochtaí agus iadsan i mbannaí air de réir na sonraí thíosluaite. Déantar uasdátú air seo ó am go chéile agus tá an leagan is deireanaí le fail ar a suíomh.

If you have any queries regarding your order or any difficulties using this site please contact: colman@leabhar.com. All payments are made through a secure server via 2Checkout.com and they provide the guarantee shown below. This is updated from time to time and the latest version can be seen on their site.

Bannaí CHECKOUTdóireachta 2Checkout.com (leagan is deireanaí ar a suíomh)
2Checkout.com Safe Shopping Guarantee (check latest version on their site)

1. Is ionann bannaí CHECKOUTdóireachta 2Checkout.com agus dearbhú nach call duit riamh bheith buartha faoi shlándáil do chárta chreidmheasa.

The 2Checkout.com Shopping Guarantee protects you when you pay through 2Checkout.com, so that you never have to worry about credit card safety. Period.

2. Muna bhfuil tú sásta leis an earra nó leis an seirbhís a fhaigheann tú, téir i dteagmháil linn láithreach. Rachaimid i mbun cainte leis an dá phairtí faoi. agus munar féidir teacht ar réiteach déanfaimid áisíocaíocht mar is cuí.

If you are not satisfied with the product or service provided by a 2Checkout.com partner, contact us immediately. We will intercede and work to resolve the dispute to the satisfaction of all parties. If the matter cannot be resolved we will issue credits as necessary.

3. Glacann 2Checkout.com freagracht iomlán dá ndíoltóirí agus muna gcuirter na hearraí nó na seirbhísí ar fail, nó muna bhfuil teacht ná fáil orthu, déanfar áisíocaíocht mar is cuí agus é mar dhualgas orainn an scéal a fhiosrú le do chomhoibriú.

2Checkout.com assumes responsibility for its selling partners if they fail to provide the goods or service paid for and become unreachable or unresponsive, the buyers funds will be returned and it will be 2Checkout.com's responsibility to pursue the matter with your assistance.

4. Ní íocfaidh tú riamh táillí ar do chárta trí pháirtithe neamhúdarásaithe. Téir i dteagmháil linn láithreach má ghearrtar táillí ar do bhille nach n-aithníonn tú.

You will never pay charges made to your card through unauthorized parties. Contact us if there are charges on your bill you do not recognize.

5. Mar chosaint ort ar chailliúintí tubaisteacha, ní thig le do bhanc freagracht níos mó ná $50 a chur ort ar tháillí bréagacha a tharlaíonn ar chúiseanna nach mbaineann le faillí nó le camastaíl leatsa.

To protect you from catastrophic losses, under the Fair Credit Billing Act, your bank cannot hold you liable for more than $50 of fraudulent charges that are not the result of negligence or fraud on your part.

6. Tá an bogearra SSL atá in úsáid againne ar an earra is fearr agus is sábháilte a bhfuil fáil air do ghnó idirlín. Folaíonn sé do chuid sonraí pearsanta, uimhir chárta, ainm agus seoladh sa chaoi is nach mbeidh léamh air agus é ag taisteal ar an idirlíon. Ní cheadaíonn 2Checkout.com aon ghnó nach dtarlaíonn ar nasc slán.

Our Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure online commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information, including credit card number, name, and address, so that it cannot be read as the information travels over the Internet. 2Checkout.com does not allow any transactions that do not occur on a Secure connection.

7. Ar chúinsí slándála seoltar uimhreacha chártaí díreach chuig do chóras bainc le dearbhú. Ní dhéanann 2Checkout.com taifead de chineál ar bith riamh de d'uimhir.

For security reasons card numbers are transmitted directly to the banking network for authorization. 2Checkout.com does not record your card number anywhere.

Polasaí Príobháideachais / Privacy Policy

1. Dearbhaíonn 2Checkout.com agus a pháirtí Cló Mhaigh Eo nach roinnfear an t-eolas a chuireann tú ar fail riamh le h-aon triú pháirtí gan do chead (ní bhaineann le camastaíl) agus go mbainfidh pé ríomhphostann a gheobhaidh tú ó 2Checkout.com agus a pháití Cló Mhaigh Eo le d'ordú amháin.

2Checkout.com and its partner Cló Mhaigh Eo pledge that the information you enter will not be shared with any outside party without your expressed consent ( does not include fraud cases ) and that any emails you receive from 2Checkout.com and/or Cló Mhaigh will be related to your order.

2. Mar chuid dá gconradh linne dearbhaíonn díoltóirí nach seolfaidh siad spam. Má fhaigheann tú ríomhphost dá leithéid agus nasc íocaíochta le 2Checkout.com déan teagmháil linn láithreach.

As a part of their service agreement selling partners agree not to engage in spam. Should you receive an unauthorized email with a 2Checkout.com payment link included please contact us immediately.

Ní thrasnaíonn na coinníollacha agus na polasaithe thuasluaite ar do chuid cearta dlí.
The conditions and policies stated do not affect your statutory consumer rights.

Má tá ceist ar bith agat faoi d'ordú nó faoi dheacracht ar bith in úsáid an tsúimh seo, téir i dteagmháil le do thoil le:

If you have any queries regarding your order or any difficulties using this site please contact:
