Drochlá Ruairí
Seo an leabhar Gaeilge is mó díol do pháistí le tamall de bhlianta anuas agus tóir mhór i gcónaí air.
Ruairí bocht! Ón uair a d'éirigh sé ar maidin bhí a fhios aige gur drochlá a bhí i ndán dó... Tuigfidh gach páiste scoile céard atá i gceist ag Ruairí agus cuirfidh léaráidí gleoite Anne Marie Carroll go mór leis an spórt! Breis agus 15,000 cóip díolta. Ar fáil anois ar CD rom.
From the moment he wakes up Ruairí just knows it's going to be one of those days. School is a disaster from start to finish and then there's homework!
This is the best-selling children's book in Irish over the past number of years and still a firm favourite with thousands of youngsters. Winner of the 1996 Irish Language Book of the Year Award. Shortlisted Bisto Book Awards 1997. Now available on interactive CD rom.

Údar / Author: | Colmán O Raghallaigh |
Maisitheoir / Illustrator: | Anne Marie Carroll |
ISBN: | 1 8999 22 01 6 |
Foil. / Publ.: | 1996 |
Athchló / Reprinted: | 1997, 2000 |
Praghas / Price: | €7.00 |
32 lch. / pp: | Lándaite / Full Colour |