Drochlá Ruairí
CD-rom idirghníomhach foghlama do pháistí le hanamúlacht agus cluichí simplí.
Seo an leabhar Gaeilge is mó díol do pháistí le tamall de bhlianta anuas agus tóir mhór i gcónaí air
Ruairí bocht! Ón uair a d'éirigh sé ar maidin bhí a fhios aige gur drochlá a bhí i ndán dó... Tuigfidh gach páiste scoile céard atá i gceist ag Ruairí.
Interactive CD of the best-selling Drochlá Ruairí from Fios Feasa of Dingle, County Kerry. Read in all 3 dialects and featuring animation, games and puzzles on every page.
From the moment he wakes up Ruairí just knows it's going to be one of those days. School is a disaster from start to finish and then there's homework!
This is the best-selling children's book in Irish over the past number of years and still a firm favourite with thousands of youngsters. Winner of the 1996 Irish Language Book of the Year Award. Shortlisted Bisto Book Awards 1997.

Údar / Author: | Colmán O Raghallaigh |
Maisitheoir / Illustrator: | Anne Marie Carroll |
Praghas / Price: | €30.00 Saor ó Phostas / Postage Free |